
巧因环境创立于2008年,至今近十年积累,已逐步发展成一个针对中国城乡生态环境进行研究、规划、设计、建设和修复的综合服务商,并牢固掌握相关核心技术,业务涵盖生态净水、休闲农业、旅游度假、市政院校、地产景观、别墅花园、高尔夫球场等细分领域。公司坚持“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念,拥有充满朝气活力的实践经验丰富的境内外设计精英和配套完善的实施队伍;注重客户需求和产品质量,希望通过与各方的共同努力,营造符合市场需求、客户满意、同行认可的高品质项目。 join environment was founded in during nearly a decade, it has gradually developed into an integrated service providers for chinese urban and rural ecological environment’s research, planning, design, construction and repair . so far we firmly master the core technology of the field . our business covers the ecological water purification, leisure agriculture, tourism, vacation, municipal colleges and universities, real estate landscape, garden villas, golf courses and other we insist on "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing" concept of we have rich practical experience and perfect supporting design our team is full of the we look forward to building a good business relationship and servicing you well . [了解更多]



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